
Hell or Highwater

Oh, Hi. I know, I know...missing in action and this damn blog isn't even two weeks old yet. I have a good excuse, I promise. It's really good. My desktop breaked. Really it did. Instead of a blue screen o'death, I have a black screen o'death. The damn thing isn't but a year and a half old. Huge hassle. We won't have the money to have our computer guy look at it until week after next. Soo...until then I have to use my ancient laptop. I guess the up side of it is that a crappy computer is way better than no computer, right? How was your Halloween? Did your kids' bring in a good haul? Mine did splendifferous. We hit the mall the morning of and got tons of teeth rotting goodness then came home, had a bit of quiet time and then the older two headed out with Dad around the neighborhood. The baby missed his very first Halloween/trick or treating because he was sleeping. My kids are weird, what can I say? I don't really have much to say today. I

For Those About To 'Ku ( We Salute You)

Giving into peer pressure sucks!! Appearently when the Qween says Do a 'Ku, you better or it's off with your head! Once upon a time on a blog far, far from here, I tried my hand once or twice at haiku-ing but I wasn't very good so please be kind if they suck! spooky, creepy fun ghosts, goblins, witches, and ghouls Which one will you be? movie bumblebee transformer shoes on his feet yellow mask, lets go! sleeping beauty girl tiara and glitter shoes big pink dress, so cute tiny buzz lightyear first trick or treat, celebrate candy for mommy much fun to be had free candy to b e gotten doors to be knocked on 'member your manners trick or treat or smell my feet thank you and good night one more night ended costumes put away, play Happy Hal loween! Here is a fun candy themed Haiku From my old blog that I thought would be appropriate to share with you today! Please keep in mind that I was having a pregnancy craving at the time and I do not feel this way all the time. Laffy

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

You came back!!! Oh I am soo happy to see you! How was your day? Mine? Oh, well, mine was down right dirty. I spent the day doing dirty deeds and got paid dirt cheap. Meaning, I spent the day washing dishes and cleaning up after my kids and husband and all I got for it was nothing. Okay, not nothing, I did find my kitchen sink and part of my living room. I suppose that's a good thing, right? We are gearing up for All Hallows Eve around here. I spent the evening finding A-MAZING pumpkin templates. We are going to gut and cut to our little hearts content tomorrow. We ended up with 11 pumpkins and I didn't pay for a single one of them. What? You wanna know how that happened? Okay, it's nothing exciting. Our neighbor gave each of the older kids each one then they both went to pumpkin patches on field trips and brought one home. The other 7 were given to us free because the hubs works in a field with medical insurance and the local insurance company threw a huge f

She's got balls

Folly: [ fol -ee ] –noun, plural -lies for 2–6. 1. the state or quality of being foolish; lack of understanding or sense. 2. a foolish action, practice, idea, etc.; absurdity: the folly of performing without a rehearsal. 3. a costly and foolish undertaking; unwise investment or expenditure. 4. Architecture . a whimsical or extravagant structure built to serve as a conversation piece, lend interest to a view, commemorate a person or event, etc.: found esp. in England in the 18th century. 5. follies, a theatrical revue. 6. Obsolete . wickedness; wantonness. I know we are all smart people here, right? Right! So what's with the entry? Well, it's there for my benefit. It's much easier to introduce this blog with the definition then try to explain the Fiesty household. Instead of Christmas pictures this year I think everyone is going to get this printed on a card because, well, you see our family picture embodies the word folly.